There is no need to rush, you can ease your way into new beginnings!
Whether or not you’ve made some resolutions or set some goals for 2022, we can all admit it’s already been a weird start to the new year. Here in Ontario and across the country, we’re in lock down again — our hearts go out to all the parents with young kids at home, essential workers, and everyone affected by these new announcements. One thing is for sure, taking care of yourself has never been more important. Your mental health MATTERS. Here are 6 easy things you can do at home to help reduce stress, provide a little distraction, increase motivation and energy, and hopefully make your days a little bit brighter through these crazy times. Let’s call it the self-care six ❤️
1. Love the skin you're in. With all the body related resolutions that go around this time of year, it's important to ignore all that noise and love your body just the way it is. Whether it’s taking a morning walk and getting some sun, doing yoga or meditation. Movement helps us to maintain better mental health. The New Year is filled with toxic diets and unrealistic fads. We say no to all of that, and YES to what makes you feel good in your body and about your body.
2. Read a book! There’s nothing better than escaping into a whole other world, when the real world isn’t so great! Books can truly be so healing and be a bright light in times of darkness. We just did a poll to our Instagram followers over the holidays, and we’ve created a HUGE awesome 2022 book reading list together. Check it out on our Instagram books highlight HERE.
3. Get dressed in the morning. Putting on an outfit you love in the morning is known to boost self-esteem and confidence. Need some extra inspiration? Join our 10x10 challenge, starting January 10th! It’s all about learning to love the closet you already own, and creating 10 different outfits over 10 days, with just 10 pieces from your wardrobe. Plus, we're giving away a $200 Gift Card to one lucky challenge participant. It could be YOU! We’re hosting the challenge on our Facebook community group, click here to join.
4. Make time for rest. Whether it’s getting a good night’s sleep, taking a quick snooze, or running a bath, taking breaks and caring for yourself is so important. Especially all you moms out there! While you're busy doing all the things, make sure you're looking out for yourself too.
5. Laugh. Whether it’s a comedy show, a movie that makes you giggle, or catching up on the phone with a friend that always cracks you up, there’s no better medicine than laughter. We advise all the laughter, as much as possible, until you get a tummy ache...then you should probably stop 😜 And if you ever see any hilarious meme's, please send them our way. We LOVE to laugh.
6. Treat yourself. Whether it’s a face mask, a mani pedi or a softening hand treatment, give your skin all the love it deserves! One of our favourite things this time of year is a rejuvenating body scrub. Regular exfoliation is important for removing dead cell, especially in the dead of winter. Whatever it may be, remember to spoil yourself — guilt free. That’s the type of energy we need this year!
We hope you find some of these tips helpful over the next few weeks at home. Even though this year hasn’t starting off as we all might have hoped, we’ve still got high hopes for 2022. Stay healthy and safe!